Paris, France /parisD645

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Despite the virtual identical appearance of the Sorbonne, particularly the Courtyard and the Place de la Sorbonne, since Turgot's time (1739), the Sorbonne underwent major internal renovations which were completed in 1889. These renovations afforded the laboratories used in the discovery of lutetium (by Urbain). (Two other codiscoverers are also recognized for lutetium: James in the U.S. {LINK: Durham540} and Welsbach in Austria {LINK: Althofen202}.

Also, Debierne published his work on actinium from the Sorbonne, although he did much of his research at "The Shed" with the Curies at EPCI {LINK: to parisF136}. Previously, the laboratory facilities for chemistry at the Sorbonne were minimal. This is the general layout of the renovations, with the main (south) entrance at the bottom, hence up is south. See next photo.