Location: Riddarhyttan, Kälfallet, Old Skilå Works, Lienshytte,
Skinnskatteberg, Kopparberg, Sweden
Elements: cerium, cobalt,
Scientist: Berzelius, Hisinger, Brandt,

a long and interesting history |

Bastnäs Mine

information sign |

information sign--left |

information sign--right |

North is right |

Left part of the map |

Right part of the map |

the mine when active |

talus pile |

great deal of iron ore |

mixed silicate |

Chunks of hematite |

samples of magnetite |

Bent Högrelius & son, Anders |

mineral is cerite |

special present |

crystal of bastnäsite |

an old mining shed |

wild strawberries. . . |

. . and other flowers . . |

and other animals |

Old mining entrances |

Richly colored minerals |

Many deep pits |

entrance to the mine |

rich mineral sides |

Inside the darkness |

detects activity |

history of the mine area |

history of the mine area |

history of the mine area |

history of the mine area |

history of the mine area |

history of the mine area |

history of the mine area |

history of the mine area |
Kälfallet, Sweden

named after the ancient copper mines |

old Brandt mining area |

mining claim |

Brandt Manor area |

map prepared by Roy |

manor before it was destroyed |

another view |

moment it was dynamited |

going. . . . |

going. . . . |

gone! |

policy of staking claims |

remains of some of the old buildings

Another of the old buildings |

fence for potential drowning hazard |

toward the mining area |

Descending into the pits |

remnants of Kanthalsgruvan |

Pellugruvan |

Pellugruvan caved in |

Hedningruvan |

rich veins |

only mine that can be visited |

keeping the mine open

Entering the mine

hardhats are a priority

Minerals of all colors |

Needles grow |

splashes of minerals |

very old map

updated map |
Old Skilå Works |

Ulla Fredriksson and Mats Hulander |

roasting process |

old Swedish book |

key ingredient is water |

smelter needed |

site of a former furnace |

works moved in 1802 |

a former two-tier furnace |

roasting occurred |

"Charcoal beds" |

Slag from the furnaces |

how stone was used |

“From all the old-timers.” |

The smelters |

seasonal activities |

Life adapts everywhere |
New Skilå Works

New Skilå works |

wooden pipe |

Slag heaps |

The Skilå works |

At the old site |

barren areas and vitriol stains |

roasting oven |

greater supply of water |

foundation of a furnace |

Remnants |

Charcoal used |

An accurate map |

An old "hyttan." |

Lots of bare areas |

Paintings of the smelting process |

Drawings of the blast furnaces |

Painting of the roasting process |

Stone dating from 1819. |

preparing copper |

assaying and storage shed |

weighed on these scales. |

block of copper wafers |

haulers for the copper |

One of the ingots |

ingots were produced |

climb to the top |

one of the furnaces |

One of the air vents |

restoration work |

huge slag pile |

slag from an iron smelter |
Skinnskatteberg |

manor of Wilhelm Hisinger |

Forestry Management School |

building is registered |

university of agriculture |

inside the Hisinger home |

the Hisinger house |

the Hisinger house |

the Hisinger house |

the Hisinger house |

Skinnskatteberg iron stamp |

the Hisinger house |

the Hisinger house |

cobalt blue on vase |

the Hisinger house |

used 200 years ago |

the Hisinger house |

the Hisinger house |

from the front porch |
Bengt Högrelius
Riddarhyttan |

historical mineralogical book |

written in 1806. |

book by Cronstedt |

no name as the author |
Ingemar Johansson |
Ingemar Johansson
Riddarhyttan |
Copyright ©2018, Dr. James L. Marshall and Virginia R. Marshall
All Rights Reserved.