
Ixmiquilpan, Zimapán, Cardonal and Mexico City were visited.


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Place: Mexico
Element: Vanadium (erythronium)
Scientist: Andrés del Río


Mexico City Airport

Driving through Mexico City

the tollroad north

North of Mexico City

north of Ixmiquilpan

North of Río Tula

the valley of Zimapán

northern part of the valley

The Royal Spa Hotel

The Royal Spa Hotel

Inside the courtyard

Two key figures

a poster

the memorial in Zimpán

memorial information

the historic Peñoles Mining Company

Castillian ovens

geological department

the production hangars

the ubiquitous slag heaps

older ovens date back to del Río's times

historic assaying office

Many remaining walls

toward the Lomo de Toro Mine

The expedition

the drive westward

the landscape and the route

winding road through the mine area

The mine

east face of the canyon

Specimens taken from the road

galena (lead sulfide)

one of the mining complexes

"MMM Purísima"

One of the many entrances

The main entrance to the mine

"Mina" = "Mine."

Inside the mine.

a huge complex of passages

At the bottom of the Arroyo

Oscar Fernando Nieto de la Mora and Jim Marshall

return to Ixmiquilpan

a flat tire needs to be fixed

watching the manufacture of tortillas

the village of Cardonal

Entering Cardonal

"La Purísima Concepcion"

The Catholic Church of Cardonal

The main square of Cardonal

the Catholic mission

Father Hubert Dephoff

eastward view

Panning to the left

A closer look at the mine area

Closer yet

the landscape of the Cardonal region

A number of further mines

Approaching the main mine

entrance of the mine

Inside the mine

There were some smelters here

some uncovered shafts

"Abundancia de Cardonnes"

Palacio de Minería in Mexico City

The mining school

National School of Engineers

This building was constructed 1797-1812

One of the gates

Another of the gates

The third gate

In front of the Palacio is "El Caballito"

inside the courtyard

library historical acquisitions

Inside the library

Mexico City to Zimapán and Cardonal

Humboldt's acquisition

the gift of a statue

Anonymous portrait of del Río

Print of Colegio de Minería

Real Seminario: the view eastward

Above the archway

"Real Seminario de Minería."

Looking back westward

This was the Royal School of Mining

Looking through the archway

Special permission had to be obtained

The statue of del Río.

Another view

And another view

A final look through the door



Humboldt had the top two floors

In memory of Alexander Humboldt

The statue of Humboldt

Another view

presented to Mexico from Germany

The base of the statue

the Iglesia de San Agustín

street corner is also popular for other enterprises.

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