Apuseni Mountains, Romania/apuseni071Previous | Home | NextThis wax tablet is in Romanian: "Table Cerata XVIII este un contract. A fost descoperita in anul 1854 in mina ohaba-SF.Simion din masivul cirnic Rosia Montana impreuna cu alte tablite. Cel mai vechi document ce atesta existenta mineritului si a localitatii miniere Rosia Montana sub denumirea de alburnus maior incheiat la data de 6 februaire 131 en." Translated: "Table Cerata XVIII. This is a contract discovered in 1854 in the Ohaba-SF.Simion Mine of massive [homogeneous rock formation] Carnic Rosia Montana, along with other tablets. [This is ] the oldest document that proves the existence of mining and mining town of Rosia Montana as Alburnus Major concluded on 6 February A.D. 131." [The Ohaba-SF Simion was a mine gallery (horizontal mine tunnel) within the Carnic ore, a deposit on a historic Carnic Hill in Rosia Montana; Albernus Major was the Roman name for Rosia Montana.] |
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