London, England

Piccadilly 2-C


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Place: Piccadilly, London
Element: Various -- concerned mostly with institutions

The Royal Institution

the Royal Institution in 1838

portrait of Davy

bust of Davy

Count Rumford


globe of argon by Lord Rayleigh

famous for its lectures

caption of the relief

annual Christmas lectures

The lecture hall

Dr. Frank James

collections are spread over several floors

original Voltaic pile

Faraday did valuable chemical research

Davy's exhibit

original electrolysis apparatus of Davy

Davy's electrolysis troughs

Stands for Davy's electrodes

specimens of Davy's metals

Davy also worked with gases

the electrolysis bowl

famous cartoon

Close-up of the cartoon

the safety lamp for miners

The flint mill

theory behind the safety lamp

Early experimental lamps

solution was wire gauze meshes

exhibit on Henry Cavendish

A eudiometer

instruments used by Cavendish

glass eudiometers

exhibit on William Crookes

thallium compounds

cathode ray tube

exhibit on James Dewar

the "Dewar flask."

X-ray crystallography.

X-ray tubes and apparatus

exhibit on Count Rumford

Count Rumford's active research

Count Rumford improved fire places

exhibit on John Tyndall

the Tyndall effect

the radiation in gases

an engraving

the left-hand side

the right-hand side

List of scientists

List of scientists

List of scientists

Burlington House

Royal Society was here

Courtyard inside Burlington House

the Linnean Society on the left

marble bust of Charles Hachett

Royal Astronomical Society in the west wing

Royal Society of Chemistry in the east wing

The RSC was formed in 1980

English equivalent of the American Chemical Society

the Burlington House in 1866

Royal Society now at Carlton House Terrace

Royal Society location since 1967.

entrance to the Royal Society

Presidents of the Royal Society

Christopher Wren...

Sir Isaac Newton...

William Hyde Wollaston

Lord Kelvin...

Joseph Thomson...

Sir Isaac Newton

Charles Lyell

Charles Darwin's bust

Robert Falcon Scott

Florence Nightingale

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