Turku, Finland


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Location: Turku, Skogsböle
Element: yttrium, tantalum
Scientists: Gadolin, Ekeberg


journey to Turku, Finland


overnight journey

approaching Turku

dense archipelago

Port of Turku

The walk eastward

walk from the Port

the castle is a museum

courtyard of the castle

Gadolin's home/laboratory

the fish restaurant

both Finnish and Swedish

original old stone fence

the Gadolin plaques

The plaques

Finnish plaque

Swedish plaque

living quarters of Gadolin

condominium on the corner

back of the fish restaurant

Another view

The street sign

Plaques describing the orphanage

shack beside the orphanage

newspaper clipping

the Luostarinkatu building

the Surutoin Restaurant

Professor Gadolin's garden

The Surutoin Restaurant...

built in the late 1200s

Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland

was severely damaged

Inside the cathedral.

Inside the cathedral.

Mikael Agricola (1510-1557)

from the River Aura

"Observatory Hill"

Old Academy Building

Pietari Brahe (1602-1680)

before the Great Fire of 1827

drawing of Turku

the modern chemistry building

1918 a new university

present chemistry department

Puutori market square

public toilet is now a pub

ravaging fire that started here

On the pavement by the pillars

both Finnish and Swedish

The Finnish text

The Swedish text

postcard rendition

the observatory

sea level is changing

once sea level (5000 B.C.)!

(Luostarin Hill)

Guides in native costume

much like that in Stockholm's Skansen Park

buildings are the same

by the fireplace

landscape in the year 1800

address of the building

Here is the plaque.

right side of the plaque

center of the plaque

left side of the plaque

Åbo in 1823

Åbo in 1840

Kemiö kirkke

Baltic Sea view from mine area

Entrance to Skogsböle Mine


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