Glauchau, Germany



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Elements: Bismuth
Location: Glauchau
Scientist: Agricola

half-timbered house

birthplace of Georgius Agricola.

next to the train station

statue in the distance

statue of Agricola

closer view

plinth of the statue

Agricola holds ore

Agricola holds his journal

looking southward

marketplace of Glauchau

display of statues

agricultural heritage

vigorous community

a clothierweaver


Street sign

Another view

Approaching the castle

castle ("Schloss") sign

Entrance to the castle area

Georgius Agricola Castle

numerous silver artifacts

dates from 1666.

facsimile drawing room

cloth trade

Weaver's Guild

special exhibit

museum exhibit

Agricola exhibit room

Another view

Another view

De Re Metallica

Another angle

many minerals

genealogy of Agricola's family

closer view

even closer view

listing of Agricola

1st of six photos

describing Agricola's birth

describing Agricola's birth

describing Agricola's birth

describing Agricola's birth

dealing with Agricola's birth

time in Leipzig

time in Leipzig

time in Leipzig

Leipzig panel

describing Zwickau

Agricola as school master

describing Zwickau

studies in Italy

Medical school in Bologna

Studies in Padua

Studies in Venice

Studies in Rome

medical studies

apothecary and doctor

at St. Joachimstahl

silver mines in the Saxony

King Ferdinand I

learned about mineralogy

gathered his material

mining techniques

description of Bermannus

famous Erasmus

urging the ousting of the Turks

life in Chemnitz


life in Chemnitz, Germany

a humanist

alleviated suffering

"Black Death" outbreak

Agricola's death

died in Chemnitz

Erasmus and Fabicius

Erasmus and Fabicius

scientific achievements

Werner and Goethe


Engels and Hoover

De Re Metallica

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