Vilnius, Lithuania


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Elements: "Vestium" (misidentified ruthenium)
Vilnius, Lithuania
Scientist: Sniadecki

St. John's Church

courtyard from the west side

view turned slightly to the right

courtyard in 1850.

Theater Hall

the courtyard

plaque in the cloister

plaque closeup

doorway into the university

entering St. John's church

altar to the side

history of the church

altar of the church

historical exhibit room

Sniadecki's bust

Inside the exhibit room

Sniadecki's famed book

Jan Sniadecki

portrait of Sniadecki

Sniadecki 's laboratory building

the view is south

Above the doorframe

the grand hall

Sniadecki's home

no plaque to honor Sniadecki

details of plaque

back of the church

St. Anne's church

plaque on the side of the church

Faculty of Chemistry

Chemistry Faculty

Aivaras Kareiva

Grotthuss lecture hall

Laboratory at the university

Periodic Table in Lithuanian

Sniadecki lecture hall

The entrance

various works of Sniadecki

folklore festival

Another group getting ready

trio practices

Dr. Biruté Railiené and Jim Marshall

Dr. Biruté is clarifying key passages

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Copyright ©2018, Dr. James L. Marshall and Virginia R. Marshall
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