Strontian, Scotland



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Place: Strontian
Element: Strontium

Loch Lomond

Loch Lomond

the Scottish Highlands

The geology of Scotland

the Corran Ferry

The Corran Ferry


the sign points the way

Major obstructions

the original Gaelic names

Loch Sunart


the Strontian Hotel

The post office of Strontian

once the smelter

to the mining area.

peculiar geological features

wildlife is abundant.

Bell's Grove

gradation of layers

the greenish color

specimen of harmotome

crystals of galena

galena in Strontian rocks

imbedded galena


main mining area

The mining pit

Inside the pit

A closeup of the layer

Study of the pit wall


Wandering around the area

once mine shafts

one such mine shaft

Close-up of the mine-shaft

Ben Nevis

Loch Ness

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Copyright ©2018, Dr. James L. Marshall and Virginia R. Marshall
All Rights Reserved.