Basel, Switzerland


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Location: Basel, Switzerland
Elements: Arsenic
Scientist: Paracelsus

Basel train station

map of Basel dated 1549.

labels for map

Today's view of the Marktplatz

The Marktplatz

The Rathaus

ancient medical books burned here

ornate interior

Skyward view

View of the Rathaus

This is the fish totem

publishing house of Froben

path to take corpses

Peterskirche's steeple

We are getting close

The Pharmacy Museum

Pharmacy-History Museum

a courtyard

Behind the main counter

Dr. Michael Kessler, curator

expert on Paracelsus

one of the hallways

Paracelsus' life in Basel

the museum is a replica

the previous chapel

Apparatus for distilling

Apparatus for distilling

Closeup of previous photo

laboratory had its furnace

Various syrups to treat ailments

a portable pharmacopia kit

left panel

Drawers of various medicaments

apparatus at the top

More accessories

The right panel

alchemical information

many rooms

Ancient medicinal herbs

More ancient medicines

Table of affinities

A Periodic Table of the Elements

mortars and pestles

weight boxes and coin scales

the old University

a "Paracelsus Stroll" route

Passing through Archigässlein

Old University

where Paracelsus taught

view towards the Old University

A closer view

This is the Peterskirche

around the Peterskirche

houses date back to the 14th century

house dates back to 1335.

south of Peterskirchplatz

site of Paracelsus' home

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